Monday, April 27, 2009

It is SO Monday!

I HATE Mondays! I got up at 5:00 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and made brownies for work. I know, I was productive, can you believe it?!

I thought I was going to get lucky this morning and one of my little friends would be absent, but he showed up. Isn't that horrible that I feel like that? I love all of my kiddos, but some really work my nerves. They're just excited because Michael Sarver is coming at 2:00 today for a 'pep' talk. How exciting is that?! Can't you just feel my excitement??? Can you feel the sarcasm?! I think I need to go home and wake up on the right side of the bed... Maybe tomorrow will be better.


  1. I hate those kinds of days too! I have to admit I was a bit excited about seeing Michael Sarver, ya know Jasper's own celebrity :)

  2. That was a rough day. I love that your blog list is called "peeps". It made me laugh. I'm so glad you started a blog!! It's not like I don't sit 3 feet from you 5 days a week, but you know how I like to stalk people's blogs.
